Auditioning for our virtual play is going to be a new experience for all of us but an exciting opportunity to explore theatre in a new, social distanced, safe, and virtual way.
"The script-based on a true story about a traveling circus that, in 1916, stumbled into a gory disaster in a muddy Tennessee town-is, like the best art, microscopically specific with echoes that radiate outward across time. It conjures a world with its own atmosphere and terrible internal logic. It's mesmerizing... symphonic in its emotional variations on a tragic theme. Elephant's Graveyard buzzes with truth about the consequences of misunderstanding, the invisible but enormous gap between artists and their audiences, and the infernal beauty of vaudeville." -The Stranger, Seattle
Elephant’s Graveyard by George Brant is the true tale of the tragic collision of a struggling circus and a tiny town in Tennessee, which resulted in the only known lynching of an elephant. Set in September of 1916, the play combines historical fact and legend, exploring the deep-seated American craving for spectacle, violence and revenge.
Audition Checklist
1. Join the Schoology Class - Elephant’s Graveyard. Code: 6B7T-WSKB-4GRNR
2. Look at the rehearsal schedule to see if there are conflicts that would prevent you from being a part of our company. We will do our best to work with schedule conflicts.
3. Fill out the Company Information Form.
4. Read and sign the Company Contract. Have your parents read and sign the Company Contract.
5. If you want to be a part of the Technical Crew then skip steps 6-7. However, if you want to be a Designer on the show then fill out the Design Application. If you want to be considered for a role in the cast then continue with the steps below.
6. Read the play Elephant’s Graveyard by George Brant. After reading the play choose a monologue from the list below to perform. You may perform any of the monologues, but that does not guarantee you’ll be cast in that role.
7. Record your monologue performance and upload to Elephant’s Graveyard Audition Videos in Schoology by Friday 10/9 at 10pm. You may use Schoology, your phone and any other app you are comfortable with to record your monologue(s), but must be uploaded in the Schoology assignment.
8. You will be notified by email and/or text on Sunday night if you will be joining our Company.
Monologues Options
(gender is irrelevant)​
Tour Manager
Ballet Girl
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For a document version of this information visit this Google Doc.