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The Drowning Girls

Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson, & Daniela Vlaskalic
December 4th, 5th & 6th 2021


The Drowning Girls reflects on the misconceptions of love, married life, and the not-so-happily ever after. Comrades brings to life the story of a seven-year imprisonment and explores the struggles and agonies of two men, tried not for what they did, but for who they were.

24 Hour Theatre Project

Balancing Act

Jan 15, 2022

Annually, select senior students are given the opportunity to design and write their own original play together. Other students have acting or technical opportunities. Theatre Alumni are welcomed back to direct. Here's the catch- The whole Project, writing, producing, directing, acting, designing and building is completed in 24 hours. Then the play is showcased to the public promptly after!

A Night of Originals

May 12 & 13th 2022

Annually, select senior students are given the opportunity to showcase their own original play. These shows are written, cast, and directed by senior students.

The Drowning Girls

2021 - 2022



Honorable Mention All Star Cast

Mia Driskell

Sy'Ria Williams

Courtney Campbell


All Star Technician

Hartleen Kloulubak

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